Julien Durand

administrative and finance director

With over 20 years' experience, Julien is passionate about ensuring that day-to-day operations always run smoothly, with attention to detail in all administrative and financial responsibilities.

his background


Julien oversees all accounting and administration at ESDMI. He is responsible for all administrative support, business follow-up and preparation of finance files.

Over the course of his career, he has also acquired extensive experience in management, budgeting, planning, direct customer support and IT services. His background is in technical and IT support, with a generalist training in production systems.

His certifications

  • Productics Engineer / ESIAL (Telecom Nancy), Ecole Supérieure d'Informatique et Applications de Lorraine, 2001
  • Licence SPI / Université Henri Poincaré - Nancy, License Science de la Production Industrielle, 1998

Julien Durand

Administrative and finance director

With over 20 years' experience, Julien is passionate about ensuring that day-to-day operations always run smoothly, with attention to detail in all administrative and financial responsibilities.

HIS background


Julien oversees all accounting and administration at ESDMI. He is responsible for all administrative support, business follow-up and preparation of finance files.

Over the course of his career, he has also acquired extensive experience in management, budgeting, planning, direct customer support and IT services. His background is in technical and IT support, with a generalist training in production systems.

His certifications

  • Productics engineer / ESIAL (Telecom Nancy), Ecole Supérieure d'Informatique et Applications de Lorraine, 2001
  • Licence SPI / Université Henri Poincaré - Nancy, License Science de la Production Industrielle, 1998